
Traditional treatment for lung cancer can be made from natural plants. Lung cancer is a disease remarked by the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells in the lungs. In the early stage, lung cancer does not cause any symptoms. This disease is usually figured out when it is already worse or severe. If lung cancer is not directly handled, it will spread to other organs such as a liver, lymph glands, and others. Medical treatment is the most recommended treatment for such a disease. But some people prefer the traditional ones. Below are the natural ingredients that can be used to make traditional medications to treat lung cancer.

Green Tea

Green tea is already famous as a natural antioxidant that can bring many benefits for health. Green tea is mostly included in herbal medications, including to prevent cancer. In addition, green tea is believed to be able to inhibit the spread and growth of cancer to the next stage. The relation between green tea and lung cancer treatment had been already researched by Rutgers University. When an experiment is performed by using a test tube, green tea is proven to be able to prevent the breakdown of lung cancer and also colon cancer. The National Cancer Institute in the US also already performs a clinical test about the benefits of green tea in healing cancer.

Soursop Leaf

The next natural ingredient to make traditional treatment for lung cancer is soursop leaf. Soursop leaf is indeed not as tasty as the fruit. However, this natural ingredient has many benefits for health. For example, acetogenins contained in soursop leaves. The acetogenins which consists of squamosin, asymycin, and roundacin plays a role as anti-feedent that is believed to be able to naturally destroy cancer cells. The contents in soursop leaf are beneficial for slowing down the growth of cancer cells as well as speeding up the recovery process. A study showed that this natural ingredient has active ingredients which are 10.000 times stronger than chemotherapy in fighting against cancer cells.


Ginger is usually processed as a drink to warm the body up. But, do you know that this spice can also be used as a traditional medicine for lung cancer? It is because ginger contains curcumin, zingiberol, zingiberene essential oil, gingerol, felandren, bisabolene and also bitter resin that can also relieve the effect of lung cancer. So, you can use ginger as the natural ingredient for traditional treatment for lung cancer

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